Thursday, October 31, 2013

One item off my bucket list

Today I struck one item off my bucket list...something I wanted to do for sometime.

Do I feel better? Or worse? I don't know.

Along with the feeling of being important comes the old feeling of being shoved behind..dragged in the dust...and the realization that this can all coexist in one window,.

I wonder if it would have been better to let the item remain on my bucket list... Would that have been more honest or most deceitful...I don't know.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

All is not well

Every now and then my body tells me that all is not well.

I have been floating in a state of nothingness - wondering if my desire to curl up with a book and do nothing- meet noone-talk to noone is a state of complete satisfaction with life or complete dejection.

Then my body comes down with an ailment and I know... All is not well. I need to explore and introspect and set things right again. I have to find something to look forward to